I like the security door and don’t want to disable it but it keeps making the job pause because as it vibrates the sensor loses contact, plus there is a big gap on both sides so it’s not doing its job anyway.
Anyone got recommendations for, say, weather strip, or a 3d print I can add so it fits snugly and doesn’t come away as the job progresses?
I’ve sealed the door on my Nomad 883 Pro using strips of weather insulation available for doors, windows, etc. I never had your issue with the sensor, but I did add small rotating latches to each lower side of the door so that it would seal against the insulation strips, these might do the trick for your issue too.
Unfortunately I don’t have any good images available right now, but you can sort of spot it in this image of a different project:
This happened to me as well, did you already shift the door sensor as far back as you can? That has fixed the issue for me as far as not losing contact halfway through the job
I use a very simple fix for this issue. Just a piece of tape to add a ledge and increase friction.
The vibrations are quite intense still… But it does not happen any more.
I have moved the sensor out as far as it will go and added weather strips to the door to stop dust flying out. Next will be blocking up the holes in the base.
At some point I will have to cut a hole for a shop vac hose and find a 3d model for a dust boot obviously but for now at least the dust stays in the box mostly.
The weak door hinge is a concern. Perhaps I can find rubber strip (or print something using flex filament) and super glue it as a strengthening solution …
Are there plans for an official solution like the Shapeoko one? Would be nice to have an injection molded transparent deal the same, plus side panel in the kit would make it even better
Doesn’t look like that hose is available in Canada
They will send you a new hinge if you ask for it and show them this picture (they sent me a new one), Also you can use a binder clip to keep the door shut if it keeps opening up on you
The hinge on my Nomad lasted for years, and is still working on my machine w/ my daughter’s friend from college I gifted it to.
Anyone who wants a replacement should contact support@carbide3d.com — if folks want to work up their own, as noted, it’s an easy fix, but we wish to emphasize, one which folks shouldn’t feel the need to do.
As an additional data point here, I had a Nomad 883 Pro for something like two years before upgrading to a Nomad 3 when they became available. I had no issues with the 883 Pro’s door hinge in the entire time I owned it - as far as I know, the new owner hasn’t experienced any problems either.
However the hinge on my Nomad 3 lasted about 8 months with regular use. Carbide 3D support was wonderfully helpful in getting me a replacement, which didn’t take long to arrive and wasn’t difficult to install.
I don’t know whether the difference here amounts to mechanics or materials, and I don’t personally have enough data to say whether it’s a reliability issue as opposed to a localized problem. That said, the hinge is the only thing on either of my machines that’s failed. If something’s gonna break, I’m happy it was the door and not something more critical to the machine’s operation.