Missed Corner Cuts

I’ve been trying to make a box, basically a toss tray with a lid. The first unlidded practice piece worked ok, although I noticed that one of the outside corner radii was cut slightly differently. This time the upper right corner was over cut on the inside pocket and the chamfer was off on the upper left and lower left and right corners. (Dimensions: 1.25"x3"x7", stock feeds and speeds, Pro XXL, 201 endmill and 60* vee bit).

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Thank you,

Can you post your .c2d file?

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Absolutely, sorry for not including it originally.
3x7 box bottom.c2d (76 KB)

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You are cutting to a depth 6 times greater than the tool diameter and deeper than the cutting flute length of the specified tool (#201):

You will want to source a tool with longer cutting flutes to cut such thick stock.

Where possible avoid slotting and add geometry and cut as a pocket


and consider leaving a roughing clearance and taking a finishing pass.

I have very little to no experience on my CNC yet but based on the photos it seems there may have been slight movement of the project at some point. I point this out due to the top left corner and bottom right corner are affected for the outside chamfer.

I did not open the file in CC to look at yet either, which I will later. Thanks for posting that as well.

It’s possible the cut length on the tool could have caused the internal cut as well, as I have seen on projects with my Shaper Origin.

Thanks for posting results, this helps me think things thru by seeing results and trying to diagnose the potential causes. Helps my thought process when designing files.

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The endmill I’m using is “like” a 201 but I should have been specific, my apologies. It’s 1/4" diameter, flutes run 1" up the length, a bit more than 3/4" has a cutting edge the rest is for chip ejection. I’ll try to see if I can’t add an offset to the cutout. I’m not sure what caused it but the uneven corners, whether exterior or interior, were there from the start, i.e., they were visible after the first few cuts. Thank you for your suggestions. Will let you know how things go next round.