I had V4 for a year and my trial Pro membership ran out. I purchased a subscription for Pro. All of a sudden, my V4 would not function. Seeing that there was a V5 out, I uninstalled V4 and installed V5. After installing, Carbide Create V5 will not open on my computer. I have a Samsung Galaxy Book S. It has the system requirements for V5. The only exception is that it is a 64 bit ARM, whereas V5 requires a ADM. Honestly, I do not know what the difference is, but I am assuming this is my issue.
My question is, I ran earlier versions of CC without any issues; is there a work-around to this? My laptop is useless now, I cannot run my Shapeoko (costing me $$$), and I paid for Pro which, if I cannot use it, is $120 lost.
I have a Samsung Galaxy Book S. It has the system requirements for V5. The only exception is that it is a 64 bit ARM, whereas V5 requires a ADM
Carbide Create for Windows requires an Intel/AMD processor, and you don’t have that. So technically, this means you don’t have the system requirements for V5.
But… when you run an Intel program on Windows machine with an ARM processor, it should be able to emulate the Intel processor and run it as it did for you with version 4 (assuming its the same computer).
Do you get an error? Running Carbide Create V5 on the correct machine often doesn’t work too unless you install the correct runtime libraries - these will have to be the intel ones. Have a look here, for example: Carbide Motion Fail -- MSVCP140.dll not found
I get a blue box that says :“This app can’t run on your PC - to find a version for your PC, check with the software developer”. I tried to run an emulator by clicking Properties>Compatibility, but the emulation section is grayed out and I cannot even change that setting.
I just did a little more reading and I think that what you are experiencing is related to Carbide Create changing from a 32-bit application to a 64-bit application.
According to various sources, 64-bit Intel emulation on ARM versions of windows is currently a “work in progress”.
So it might not work yet on your PC, but it could work in the future after a series of Windows updates.
Understood and thank you… now I don’t have Carbide Create until that happens? Unreal. Do you know if any older versions work? I can’t believe that just the other day, I was running fine, then all of a sudden an update comes out and the program on my computer is a brick and am losing money by the day.
I can’t imagine I am the only person having this issue. There has to be another way to get it running on my PC.
The computer industry/retailers are negligent for not clearly informing end users, that many programs may not run on an ARM platform, even though it is sold with Windows installed.
If your Note S has an ARM processor which only emulates 32-bit software, then it can’t be used with the new version.
Unfortunately, my understanding is the license generation mechanism has updated and older versions aren’t supported by the new mechanism — please check in w/ support on this and we’ll do our best to see if there’s some other option, or to verify that this is the case.
I see that now, but not many people know the difference between ARM and ADM processors (like me, for instance). Pretty frustrating that older versions worked on my Laptop, and now a new version makes all other versions obsolete. Does C3d make a compatible version or am I stuck?
I know there was a “x86” notation in my previous version of Carbide Create… can I get a download of that so I can at least run the older version? I am literally losing money every day.
You are probably stuck for the moment. It’s possible C3D may be able to create an ARM version of CC, just as they are probably working on an Apple Silicon release.
It’s AMD, rather than ADM. I can see how if you are remembering it as ADM then it will look similar to ARM and you might think they are compatible when they are quite different. Other sites might use terms like x86-64, x64 , x86_64, AMD64, Intel 64 as compatibility requirements. All of these currently will have problems running on your laptop.
Perhaps an easy solution would be to archive older versions and make them available for downloading? Lots of companies do this, for this kind of problem.
This post points to a fact about CNC systems that is frequently understated and rarely appreciated until experienced.
The user is responsible for all of the facets involved in keeping these systems working. CAD/CAM, Stock preparation, clamping techniques, maintenance, power and static considerations and what you have run into, software compatibility with computer hardware.
Computers are a moving target as technology changes. If you are losing money every day Guy’s suggestion makes the most sense. Purchase an older PC with the Intel or AMD processor.
@UsherHayes This sounds like a reasonable solution, especially if you’re losing money every day. You can get a really inexpensive tablet or PC that will work with the new versions and likely help you in other ways as well. Just not losing money every day would likely pay for the new machine in a couple of days - and an increase in technology probably won’t hurt either.
That said, as @WillAdams said, contact support and see what they can do for you. Maybe they can bypass the license code for you (or your release).
@UsherHayes If you do go the route of a new computer be very careful when checking out inexpensive tablets. Inexpensive tablets are where you most frequently come across ARM processors. Desktop and laptop computers it is less common. It looks like you probably don’t need to though since @WillAdams linked an older version of 5 that is still 32 bit. Just in case that does not work though I wanted to advise caution on cheap tablets and make sure you get the right processor.
I was able to utilize the link/download for the older version of CC, thanks to Doug Henning. My wife’s computer is able to run the newer version and perhaps I will just need to borrow hers until the solution is figured out by C3D.
Hi Gerry,thanks for all your valuable knowledge,just one question you mention apple silicon release,are you referring to the M1 chips and if so is there an issue with the Mac mini and I Pad air running those chips with CC and CM