Maybe someone here can help me out cause I’m pretty sure customer service isn’t reading what I’m writing about.I ran a program that I got from cutrocket and it ran perfectly then I immediately ran it again on a piece of wood from the same board and when it was cutting the pocket toolpath it was supposed to cut to .591 which it did on the first one but on the second one it kept cutting until I shut it off which was just before it went all the way through which would be .94”.Also I would say 8 out of 10 times I start a project I initialize the machine then set my zeros and then it loses connection?I swear this thing runs great exactly half the time and the other half it sucks.
Z-height issues are usually from changing the bit without remeasuring the tool. Did the machine go to the bitsetter before running the second board? Losing connection could be a static issue. Check what your USB cable is touching between the controller and the computer.
The Shapeoko 5 Pro does not have sensors or any sort of feedback on positioning.
Because of that, one has to be conservative about cuts and toolpaths and tooling engagement.
As was explained in your support ticket, trying to cut a slot 0.94" deep w/ a tool which has only 0.75" of cutting flute length, which is almost 4 times deeper than the diameter of the tool is presenting the machine with a cut which might work at first with a new and sharp tool, but there is a likelihood that it won’t be completed successfully which only increases as the tool wears, or one tempts fate multiple times.
Where possible avoid slotting and add geometry and cut as a pocket
and consider leaving a roughing clearance and taking a finishing pass.
the depth of cut or feedrate is pulling the tool out of collet or pulling z axis down. post your program.
I’m still don’t understand your answer, I had no problem with the contour cut of .94 my issue is with the pocket cut of .591.It kept cutting way beyond that and just to clarify about my bit loosing up, no it did not, I ran the same file AGAIN and it cut the way it’s supposed to so Please explain why my machine randomly goes off track as this is not the first time I have emailed you about this.And you still haven’t said a word about losing connection which I have also emailed you about……
Yes it most definitely went to the bit setter before starting on the second board and thanks I will check the usb chord
Where did you get your feeds and speeds from?
The Carbide Create default for hardwood is:
Please try that.
Ok thanks I’ll try that but it’s still confusing that it worked 2 out of 3 times
Thanks for the information I appreciate it.
What wood are you cutting? Recently someone was cutting purpleheart, and it’s so hard it pulled the router down / workpiece up.
I’m cutting elm so it’s pretty soft.I was running a file off of cutrocket and as William pointed out the rpms should have been higher and maybe because of that it pulled down the z axis as godtar suggested just confusing why it worked the first and third time
“… just confusing why it worked the first and third time”
Wood can be funny; maybe the last piece had a knot or just a harder spot.
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