I’ve been using my 5 Pro for a year and a half, and I really like it. I wanted to operate it with a Raspberry Pi and CNCjs, but I’ve encountered a problem. The installation and connection work smoothly from the RPi3, but in certain cases, the operation stops, and the S5 no longer functions. If I disconnect the USB and reconnect, the connection works again.
I thought a newer firmware might solve the issue (the currently installed GRBL version is VER:1.1h.20190830), so I started the update process using this guide: Reflashing Shapeoko 5 Pro Firmware
However, it seems that pressing the Bootloader and Reset buttons doesn’t switch the mainboard into DFU mode. For one, “ESP32” doesn’t appear under connections, instead “Shapeoko 5” remains, and after selecting it, the website shows this message: “The selected device does not have any USB DFU interfaces.”
I’ve attached a picture—does anyone have any ideas? How can I upgrade S5 with my Macbook?
I am NOT saying this is your problem…but here is what I have experienced:
S3XXL, using Carbide Motion on RPI3 (yes 3)…I would get intermittent disconnects (ie machine simply stop cutting and carbide motion goes back to a point as if I’d not been doing anything) typically requiring me to disconnect/reconnect USB cable to re-establish RPI3 to Controller connectivity. I replace the RPI3 with my MacBook Pro running carbide motion, exact same CC file, exact same usb cable, and never have the disconnect issue. This was not a consistent problem, but it did happen frequently enough I’ve given up on the RPI3. I am not sure if RPI3 simply is not “powerful” enough, has a slight difference in how it handles USB connectivity or what, but once I “gave up” on the RPI3 and stuck with the MacBook Pro I’ve not experienced the disconnect issues any more. I do like the RPI and may someday try a more current version, but for now I’m sticking with the MacBook and getting cutting accomplished! Good luck.
As I understand the problem is the firmware in Shapeoko which can’t understand certain commands (Carbide Motion: BUSY (Shapeoko 5 Pro)). On MacBook pro (same as me) with Carbide Motion the program remove bogus commands from the communication that is the reason why the same cable works on Mac but not on RP3 and that’s why there is a new firmware (Reflashing Shapeoko 5 Pro Firmware)
I don’t think RP3 USB port unusable due I have been using it for 3D printing for years and it is also the basis for many industrial solutions.
Anyway, can someone help me with firmware update because seems new firmware will solve this problem?