I am importing an svg (created in DraftSight) into CC and I can not figure out how to bring it in full size. I also can not find a measuring tool in CC to see if the scaling is correct after adjusting the small geometry to 100%.
thanks for the help
I am importing an svg (created in DraftSight) into CC and I can not figure out how to bring it in full size. I also can not find a measuring tool in CC to see if the scaling is correct after adjusting the small geometry to 100%.
thanks for the help
The best thing to do here is to place a rectangle of known dimension around the objects before importing, then select everything and check the size.
I, and at least one other Afinity Design user, have the same issue. If your issue is similar, where the import is substantially smaller than it should be, scaling up is not a good solution. Carbide Create (CC) does not scale the svg, it will scale the [I guess] gcode which will result in a blocky (faceted) path once enlarged.
I have posted this issue to support here ages ago as well as to the Affinity folks. My workaround is to create the work in Designer, then cut & paste into another program whose svg scale is respected by CC. For me on a Mac, that is an inexpensive program called Graphic. Inkscape may also perform this function but is rather clunky IMO.
It is possible that adjusting the dpi in your vector program may help as per a suggestion from the Affinity forum. I know this sounds counter-intuitive but it makes a difference, at least in Designer. It didn’t work for me because the dpi I needed for compensation was beyond the range of the programs ability to handle.
WilAdams, I thought I had done that (bounding box) but the scaling seems to be inconsistent with the interior geometries. I am repeating the process from scratch later today to see if it is the same. CC also creates a box that is the sheet size in Draftsight when it comes in, so a big rectangle then the known box for reference then the geometry. I have to delete the large box then select all the scale with the dimensions of the box. But there does not seem to be a way to verify sizes unless you take the time to create the tool paths and run the file thru the machine and waste all the time and wood if it is not correct.
bpedit, I had not created any g-code yet this is at the beginning where there is a blank file then bring in the svg and it is the wrong size. I did cut the file after scaling it because there was no other way to verify the interior dimensions and the curves are smooth.
WillAdams is it a known issue that CC does not import svg the same (some scale 100% and some not) from various softwares? Is there a list that are know to work specifically CAD type programs rather than graphics types?
See: https://carbide3d.com/carbidecreate/unstable/
This changed in Build 427
(NEW) Updated SVG parser to newer version. SVG import scale might have changed for some files. We now assume a 96 DPI scale.
This seems to be the new default in Inkscape, so hopefully all applications will standardize on it.
I am running build 431, did 427 come out after? I am not sure I have much hope that an open source software would drive the design and CAD softwares to follow.
431 came out after 427, and should have the same behavior.
Inkscape makes most of the SVGs which get published to Wikimedia and Wikipedia — it’s a de facto standard which will be hard to ignore.
@4Lester I’m not sure if it’s actually gcode but I was referring to whatever CC has done with the svg once it has imported it. I know what you see, and enlarge, is no longer a true scalable vector because, as stated, it enlarges as segments which give a faceted versus smooth path. As Will suggests, Inkscape will output at proper scale; at least it did when I tried it a year ago. Now that Affinity Designer also does, you may want to give it a look; it’s relatively inexpensive with good features and no subscription.
@WillAdams Whoa! It’s a cure! Designer svgs appear, via a quick test anyhow, to now import at proper scale. Why wasn’t this on the front page of the Times? Thanks.
On the scaling being inconsistent — this happens due to rounding errors. Usually you can resolve it by scaling up first, to an appropriate scale, then scaling down.
With the latest build (431) I am also now having issues with the scaling (down) when importing SVGs drawn in Illustrator CS6 / running Mac OSX 10.11.6 (old software but still resisting Adobe CC
I make printing plates with my shapeoko so its paramount each plate / colour lines up so potentially this is a big problem. As advised in the thread I always have imported any shapes inside a box that matches the stock so they are nor scaled up or down.
For now I have gone back to my older version (316) which works still works fine without problem. While I respect you have to design your software for the latest systems it would be great if the new versions still worked with my dated workflow.
Hi, I’m new to CC and Shapeoko, but not cnc work or design as I owned a large Pacer HD cnc for over 12 years before downsizing my business. I have now sold the Pacer, as I head towards retirement. I purchased a Shapeoko XXL to muck about with in my home workshop. Here’s my problem (and it seems to be a problem that many have, with no definitive answer) I work in Rhino3d (always have done) I mainly work with 2D drawings. So my workflow with CC now seems to be “Design in Rhino3D export to Ai convert file to SVG export to CC” This what happens: for a test I draw a basic 2d rectangle in Rhino3d 101mm X 23mm, then export it to Ai. In Ai it is still 101mm X 32mm convert to SVG and export into CC and it’s now 75.75mm X 24mm??? Any Idea’s for a quick and simple resolve? Also a tool in CC for measuring would have been so helpful. I’m a Windows user. Kindest regards, Mike.
Hi @Woodspoiler ,
Welcome to the community!
@WillAdams is the vector guru around here. Until he wakes up, does this thread help?
It seems like if you use the latest version of Carbide Create (v464), use “Export” rather than “Save” in AI, and possibly set DPI to 96 in the settings (I don’t have AI, I wouldn’t know if it’s possible), you should be getting the correct dimensions upon import.
EDIT: @Bwood34 seems to be using Rhino a lot too, so maybe he can help you too.
Hi Julien, and many thanks for the quick reply and advise, I appreciate it. I am going to try your suggestion and see what happens, if I get the correct results, I’ll report back and share my findings so others can see how I/we did it. Again, many thanks. Mike
hi @Woodspoiler , I’m looking, time to do a little check and explain.
welcome to the community.
you can export in DXF, but the curved parts are badly taken into account in CC. ( the curves are in polyline, facets…)
So if you want, I advise you to export in SVG.
I’ll explain to you how I proceed to keep the scale of the drawing.
There may be other solutions…
1.Selects the objects (drawing) to be exported
2.File/export selected objects
3.In the export window, choose SVG
4.a new window opens
if you do this right, normally no worries in CC.
5.in cc, create your stock
6.and import your SVG file.
if you have any other problems, let me know.
and sorry about my bad English…
rhino is a very good software, and i’m learning every day with it. right now i’m on the grasshopper, i’m just starting to learn, there’s very good things to do with it, for cn. i can’t wait to be able to make nice 3d shapes
Hi Vivien, and many thanks for this, I’m sure it is going to work fine, so I’m going to have a go later today and see if I can get it right. I’m in the U.K. (Essex). so MM for me not inches. Many thanks again, reagrds Mike.
If you’re working in 3D, why not export in 3D?
You should be able to export an STL and use a 3rd party CAM tool such as MeshCAM or pyCAM or FreeMill — alternately, isn’t there a CAM option within Rhino3D?
Hi William, and thanks for the message. I do most of my work in 2D (at least 90%) and a small percentage in 3D. Therefore it was important for me to get my old Rhino 2d files into CC in the correct scale (I have a library over 12 years worth of files that were created in Rhino3d V3) I do own a licenced copy of Rhino cam, but again this is a very old version as I brought it all those years ago when I brought Rhino3d. I also have Cut3d, V-carve Pro, Photo carve and Adobe Ai (all software that I purchased when I had my company). On the 2D front, I have solved the problem with help from this forum. I downloaded a copy of Affinity and with the aid of Adobe Ai I’m now getting excellent results. I now have a virtually seamless workflow for 2D work using Rhino3d, Adobe Ai and Affinity and then finally into CC. At some point soon I’ll add to the thread to show how I did it for others who may have the same problem when using old software titles. As for the 3d work, I can play around with that and see what happens, and I’m sure it will be fine. Again, Many thanks William. Regards, Mike