Shapeoko 3 XXL help?

I should reiterate, signs would be in wood(which I thought the 90° V bit could be handy), while etching would be in acrylic/polycarbonate.

The V tooling which we sell cuts wood quite well.

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Aside from the V, what other endmill might be helpful in that area? I dont have endless funds to throw on them at the moment but, figured id try to get a few to broaden my #201 limitation.

The #251 is one of my favourite tools to use in wood, the other from our shop being a 1/8" downcut such as the one in:

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That pack, plus the drag, and I’d be set then? Just to clarify, as I could remove the other two items in my cart.

I think so.

The thing is, endmills are consumable and an on-going expense — you have to budget for them (says the guy who gets them free from his employer as a perquisite (for the most part)).

Two excellent resources to learn about endmills are the Material Monday videos (linked above) and:

I used most of my favourites in:

and explained why each was needed.

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Awesome, thank you! I’ve got a bit to catch up on, and excited to try out some new things. That box, is pretty freaking cool! I know I’ll be back with some questions soon, as I try to better understand toolpath settings.

I did start to get the hang of Carbide Create a little more, still unsure on a few things though, as I sketched something out in Fusion 360, and unsure how to recreate it in CC.

First pic, is a sign I’m wanting to engrave for a personal project.

Second one, however, has me stumped, on how to make it in CC(it’ll be a finger joint box, as I’ve not yet finished it).

Note that finger (well, box) joints require a vertical fixture at the front of the machine — I worked one up ages ago:

but am disenchanted, either w/ my clunky fixture, or the entire concept — cutting traditional joinery on the machine requires at a minimum 3 setups:

  • cut parts to size and machine internal features
  • mount all 4 boards in pairs in the correct orientation on the machine/fixture and machine joints at two corners
  • reposition all 4 boards and cut the opposite corners

We’ve tried a bunch of other techniques:

and I’ve been working on various designs:

and see the pages on joinery at:

I’ve pretty much dialed things in w/

The bamboo pencil cup had joinery so tight that when I clamped it up for a test fit, I couldn’t get it apart:

which I need to finish writing up/documenting — the issue is one of balancing the size of a V endmill against number of passes w/ a V endmill — the former can be a budget and spindle capacity issue, the latter gets tedious to draw up and arrange toolpaths for (in the current Carbide Create).

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Would I be able to utilze the tape and glue method for the joinery, as my stock would be .25" polycarbonate?

I believe so — it comes covered in plastic right? Put the tape on that?

It does, yes. I’ve gotta figure a few things out in the design first but, have a small sheet I’ll practice on beforehand. Is there a specific glue folks are using for this method?

We sell:

(which is painter’s tape, cyanoacrylate glue, and accelerator — I just buy glue in the smallest possible container whenever Michael’s sends me a $5 reward if I don’t have too many)

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I was thinkin it was CA glue. I’ll have to snag some, as I’ve got plenty of painters tape.

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