Shapeoko HDZ option for the Shapeoko Pro

Yes every chance I get. I feel like it is Black Friday and I am a very large housewife out in front of the C3D website like its a Walmart waiting for them to open the doors.
-Yall better get out of my way!
*click click click… Dammit… What the … Sold out???


I asked sales about spindles/HDZ - it sounds like it will be Christmas time.

YAY!!! I mean booo for not before, but YAY for a date

They hit the Carbide 3D store today:


Anyone know how/why this is an upgraded X axis as well?


@Luke Difference in Z-travel between the Z-Pluse and the HDZ Pro? Is there an EZ-Tram plate?


I think the precision router mounts take care if that.


As in they should square the spindle by how they are installed or they have a mechanism to tram?

Having had a SO3 HDZ and the ZPlus on the SO4 and SOPro, the EZ tram helped a little, but I don’t really miss it. On my 4/Pro I just slightly tighten one side and tap the mount.


The HDZ has 150mm of travel.

No EZTram plate - the spindle mount goes right on the front - and usually it’s pretty close to square these days but tramming is done with the screws just over finger tight and shims for nod.


Will the stock 65mm mounts from the Pro fit the new HDZ?

For those who only check the forums and were ordering an HDZ, it appears that some 80MM mounts have come back in stock :smiley:


yup, it’s the same mount


I hate to be a complainer, but I just got my HDZ’s, are they green?

Got mine Saturday, it’s more of a grey color than green on mine.

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I agree it would be nice for it to match the original Pro’s black hardware but after waiting nearly a year for this I’m just glad it’s not pink.


Photo is not matching what my eyes are seeing lol… Maybe I am wrong idk…
Anyway it is a very stout heavy piece… Looks very strong.


Looks like it’s HDZ night !

I’ll always miss the Beaver Blue, but I really like this Aqua (dark teal ?) blueish-greenish-grey anodizing


I see what you mean now. It does look like it has a bit of a blue/green hue to it but wondering if it’s reflection or related to ambient light. My shop has LED lighting and I’ve noticed sometimes a bit of a faint blue/green look at times. I believe it’s because white LEDs are actually a combination of red, blue, and green emitters that combine to create the white light but I could be wrong.

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@Julien did you fall for it? the pro? xxl?

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