My new Shapeoko Pro XL is on it’s way. I cant wait to receive it.
Woo Hoo
Got my notice too! Now to finish my bench…
I hope both of you have planned time to do a good stop motion video like @exmateria
LOL why re-create a masterpiece? “For Shapeoko Pro, exercise is left to the viewer”.
Don’t hold your breath on the video. I’ve been following the posts on some of the issues people have been having on the assembly and startup of the pro. So if I run into any of them I will know what the fix is. Hopefully Carbide 3D has addressed some of these issues before they shipped out the new machines. Issues with limit switch adjustments, X axis pulley set screws, connectors not seating properly, and YL and YB servo connections needed to be swapped at the controller board.
Shapeoko Pro is supposed to be delivered Friday the 12th.
Got my tools and coffee ready, propane heater is filled up.
Told my wife to get her car out of the garage.
Sold my existing Shapeoko XL and he’s picking it up Saturday.
I’m ready to go.
Did you get your machine? Just got my UPS notification that it’s outside!
Why are you leaving the poor Shapeoko sitting in the cold?
Nice! Did they add the wrench flats to the black standoffs yet? It was a suggestion I made a few months ago.
Nope they are pure cylinders.
Ah! They must’ve had a crate full of inventory still
I got mine friday afternoon. Cant start putting it together till the guy that bought my old one picks it up late late saturday afternoon or sunday. Lets keep in touch and compare how the assembly goes.
Looks like you already started. I’m jealous
Sounds good! I got mine together last night in about 3 hours moving at a steady but leisurely pace. Also loctited most of the screws. I posted a feedback thread that will probably be similar for you.
Any updates on the assembly and set up. I talked to carbide support about the x axis pulley and they said they don’t believe the pulley has to be swapped on the x axis on the Pro. But you said you had to do yours? Are they wrong. Did you have any other issues, were the Y axis pulleys OK.
I haven’t found other issues yet, I’m not going to tell you to go against support, but I am working off the advice of others who have built the Pro. Like @TX_diy.
How long did it take from time you ordered?
Still waiting for some parts to finish mine. Couple of bad connectors on the Y axis cables. Also the router mount seems to be defective so their sending me a new one. Must be machined wrong or something because there’s lots of slop when i insert the router and i cant get it tight. And their shipping me the missing strips for the table
You might still be up and running before me - I haven’t had time to power on yet. Expecting to still find a few issues. Strips are on their way.
Had no issues with my build. Went together like a *** dream. Only issue I have had are traming. Think I have it fingered out.