I have just brought a shapeoeko standard and when initializing the machine the z axis travelled down not up, I swapped the 2 end wires which did the job but it does not travel all the way to the switch and says switch can’t be found, if I press initialize again it will reach the switch and finish set up but when I go to operate z axis in jog mode it will only move about 40mm or so. Can anyone help please.
I have done that. I tried again to initilise, this time the machine ran all the way done to the board and now if I try to initilise the z screw and motor just vibrates and does not move.
Because it sounds like you never sent the correct machine config on first power up, and your machine thought it had a belt drive Z-axis.
So you switched wires, and now your machine thinks it has a belt drive Z-axis, but is wired to run in reverse.
Then you send Z-plus config, and now your machine thinks you have a Z-plus, but it’s still wired to run in reverse.
Z-plus and Belt Drive steppers drive in opposite directions. And have different steps/mm settings. This explains why you could only get 40mm on first attempt, and not the full 100mm travel
I have now swapped the wires back and tryed reloading default settings, But I am worried that the motor is damaged as it is making a lot of vibration and noise and not moving very far. Thanks for your help!
If you have a Z-plus, it’s normal to not have the leadscrew go “into” the support at the bottom, it’s just a block to stop the Z from going too low, it does not support the leadscrew itself.
If you can link the video you took here, we can have a collective look in parallel to support working on it with you.
Yeah so that second picture is normal (with the end of the leadscrew “hovering” above the stop).
The first one…I could not say, not sure what’s up with those tiny shards of metal there, I’d rather let support tell you what to do next then.
I have not cut anything yet, this is just the set up, however I am unsure that all of the part are new as the top of the motor looks second hand. Once again, thanks everyone for all your help.
First let me say, that as an engineer, I agree that the lead screw does NOT need to have its end supported into the end stop (Short length, Insufficient speed, more than enough support with the two-nut (lol) system.
However, as an engineer with a slight case of OCD, I did install a bearing at the end just to satisfy my brain/eyes…Ahhhh. Perhaps I should sell them as an OCD fix…OR they could remove the through hole in the end stop too…
All sorted and managed to draw the hello intro, thank you all! Next problem is that on a test cut it cuts to deep. If I am cutting 27mm deep should my job info z say 38mm? I have attached some pictures any help would be much appreciated.