Sent this to and Hopefully it will get some traction and a resolution.
Hey Carbide3D team,
I’ve emailed about this long ago and continue to see this problem in the forums. The set screws used on the pulleys are inadequate and often slip, especially for new users. I documented a simple fix here:
Pulley set screws - XXLThis is a solve that would cost Carbide3D near zero and prevent frustrating new user experiences. In the forums they get misdirection about material forces, speeds and feeds, and slotting. The short story: it’s a design flaw that Carbide3D could resolve.
Shapeoko XXL - final pass is stretched or offset
Shifting off trackLooking through the posts and replies, dozens of people have had this problem. How can I help you champion a change to this simple issue that causes a lot of grief and ruined projects, especially for your newest users?
It would be amazing if they proactively sent every owner a pack of 8 M3x8MM cap head screws and small tube of removable thread locker. That would be Customer Obsession!