Speeds, Feeds, Power, and Force (SFPF) Calculator

IMO, one of the (so far?) unique features of the spreadsheet is to facilitate the logging and archiving of milling conditions and performance (by enabling the logging of measured cutting power). That data could be quite useful for improving the accuracy of the calculators.

A cutting force of 1.75 lbf doesn’t seem aggressive to me. What level of machine forces do you shoot for?

OOPs - sorry about that! Fortunately that’s a parameter, like “Rated Input Current (A- Amps)” - which I also assumed was the same as the Makita’s, is easy to change. The only real impact is that you should be able to get ~7% more power when running at maximum speed. Do you use 32,000 RPM?

Good point - will do!

You’ll get maximum performance at the router’s maximum usable speed (which should be at or near it’s maximum speed). Material removal rate (MRR) is proportional to cutting power which is proportional to cutter speed and torque. Since cutter, spindle, machine, and workpiece forces are proportional to cutter torque, it should be minimized whenever possible. I.E. use the highest speed you can tolerate.

Cutting power is only driven by MRR (cubic inches per minute), which is the product of cutting depth (inches), width (inches), and feed rate (inches per minute). Router efficiency, which has no impact on it, is likely maximum at or near it’s maximum speed and doesn’t vary significantly over the usable (machine force limited) speed range.

Do you know it’s rated input current?

Thanks for the feedback! :slightly_smiling_face: