Stepover tips for smooth surface?

This bit has a 1/4" flat section on the bottom, so for a smooth surface you need to have a stepover of <1/4". I would choose my depth / DOC so there there is only a small amount removed on the final pass, so the bit is under less forces for that pass.

HOWEVER, there is a bug on pocket operations where the first stepover can be up to twice the value that you specify. If that happens with this kind of bit, you’ll be left with a ridge down the center.

It depends heavily on the size of the pocket, the bit, AND the stepover, so the only practical way to see if it affects you is to look at the toolpath and decide if the first stepover is too big. If it is, you would have to lower the stepover. Worst case is you would need a stepover < 1/8" to work properly.