i just purchase a shapeoko 5 pro and am looking to organize all the tools and accessories that came with it. I am going to be using 3/4" MDF for the tray. I am wanting to drill some holes for the various bits I have collected and I am wondering what would be the best bit to use to drill the holes in Create? would a 1/4" spiral upcut endmill be ok to use or what would the recommendation be? the holes will only be 1/4" deep. any help would be appreciated.
There have been a lot of examples of this sort of thing, as well as discussion:
and there’s a section on Cutrocket:
I prefer foam organizers myself:
I would suggest not making holes for the bits. Having the bits standing up out of the cases isn’t a good idea.
i could see it being a questionable idea. i have a lot of dremel and router bits that all stand up and have not ever had an issue with them. granted, they’re not that expensive of bits so these might have an issue of me dropping something on them and damaging them. ill change the desing so they just lay in a tray.
I made a foam insert for my 24x48” drawer. Everything had its place and then I got more stuff. Now I need to make a second layer.
I like to keep the bits laying down and in the boxes for easier identification. I labeled the boxes with the number I entered as the tool number.
Once you get the bits out of their original containers you have to measure the bit each time you want to use it. With the bits still in the boxes you know exactly what they are. Another plus of not removing the bits from the original packaging is if you OOPSey and knock the tray off the bench the bits do not all spring out and hit the concrete floor. You will always be adding bits so make room for some new bits to future proof yourself.
So I agree with @Brew about not making a bunch of holes for the bits.
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