Or Geddy Lee? Les Claypool? Dave LaRue? John Myung? Whoever your favourite bass player is, anyhow.
If you grab an electric bass machine head/tuner, deepen the slot by about 2mm, and attach it to a bit of wood, then add a pin nut, you can make one if these sorts of things:
And then if you go down that route, it is a moral obligation to use the “pluck the string and measure the tone” method for belt tensioning, obviously. With a Guitar tuner for extra points.
Interesting… Great minds think alike… I have made my own design CoreXY based drawing machine, 2 steppers for A and B (related to X and Y) movement, with one very long belt encompassing both steppers. The challenge of tensioning this came down in the end to using a guitar tensioning/tuner screw with a 20T toothed wheel instead of a winding post for a guitar string. Thread the belt by hand, ‘tune it up’ and the tension is achieved. The machine is 1.2m x 1.2m and hangs on any flat, vertical surface such as a window, and has a servo-actuated pen holder for pen-up and pen-down. Modified GRBL1.1 on an Arduino Uno to repurpose Z commands, silently cope with tool change if present in the .gcode etc.
Nice bit of lock-down fun - and all made on the ShapeOKO 3XL