Messing with birds today on the HDM.
Going to eventually do some copper inlays for some boxes. Just practicing now.
The cut in the video is with 2 flute tapered ball, 1mm tip, V-Carve Pro 3D Finish tool path, .0016” stepover, 100 ipm, 24k.
And no, I did not face the stock with the HDM, work done years ago with a decidedly untrammed SO3.
Not too bad, I’ll see if I can clean it up a bit with a tapered .25mm mill I’ve not tried yet.
It’s interesting how much worse the piece looks in the pic then to the naked eye.
Sneaking up on something acceptable. Can someone tell me the cause of the vertical line? G-code attached. EDIT - Problem solved, a V-Carve thing, needed to add “stepover retract” to toolpath.
bird (547.6 KB)
Progressing…made a parametric box from a file provided by Magnetic box - parametric model. Plan is to inlay the bird into the top. Box was made from walnut glueup cut offs from some coffee table legs. I use scraps whenever I can.