What did you cut on your Shapeoko/ Nomad today?

Yes sure, it’s a tapered ball nose 2 flute in 0.5mm.

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Thanks! I used spray paint to get the gradient. First painted the whole letter orange, then slowly layered the yellow down from the top. Took a couple tries, but overall it was surprisingly easy.

Starting with Grayscale images, I am beginning to work my way through CCpro.
Learning to import and manipulate images and what combination of bits to use for Roughing, Finishing and cleanup.


next step: STL files as input :wink:

Well, I did that, and used your STL2PNG converter which I want to say “Thank You” for that.
Found an image of a 3 mast sailboat in .stl format. Did the conversion in about 3.5 minutes (188Mb .stl file)


Here are a few signs I made to dress up my garage.


I experimented with a drag engraver. I’m pleased as a novice cnc’er.


Which drag engraver and what material did you use? Turned out great!


Aluminium. 60 deg diamond tipped drag bit from gf tools (uk)

I’m not familiar with that brand and google doesn’t return anything. Would you be able to share a link please?

I think I got to them via eBay. Small family run business. It was a quick service, some instructions. They gave me these details to contact them on:
GF Tools. Genmy215@hotmail.com. 07725834745

The new Pro and Shapeoko 4 Fixture plates will be released very soon as we are trying to build up some inventory before starting to sell them. They are fully modular and can be installed on the machine in a variety of ways which still allows for use of the mdf wasteboard slats. The Pro consists of nine individual plates that bolt together seamlessly and take full advantage of the new Carbide3D hybrid bed. I’m really excited about these because the install is much easier, you have more fixturing options, and the cost of entry is much much lower because with only one plate, you still have a 12"x12" area with an available 9" between mod vices. Ive probably already said too much lol


Titanium 0.040" CP1 on the Pro XXL with a 0.0625 2F endmill. Also peck drilled with it without issues.


@griff custom designed and cut frame :grin:


Outstanding! Love the front motor shields. Also titanium?

Please share S&F and stock source.

EDIT–The first pic looks to be carbon fiber. I’m confused, more so then usual that is. CP1?

@Vince.Fab How do I reach your shop?

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Today, still wanted by the government he survives as a machinist of fortune.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find him…
maybe you can hire Vince.


OHHH MAN! this is right up my street Sherpa needs more input @samwarmuth if you have the time i would love a little write up on this design / cutting / printing process looks amazing and i need this in my office !!



Made this Tesla valve just out of curiosity. :sweat_smile:
Oak + acrylic


So does t he valve work. I have seen something similar on youtube. Not sure what it does but guess it regulates the flow?

It works well enough for a showcase.
In the picture, the flow from left to right is higher than from right to left. That’s because of the structure that creates vortices in that one direction that slow down the flow.
I just saw it on some YouTube video, so I’m not aware of any real world applications.