What did you cut on your Shapeoko/ Nomad today?

Superbe! Encore un projet qui est dans ma liste de choses à faire.
Can you share your process for polishing the epoxy back to perfect transparency ?


Ce sont plusieurs morceaux de bois collé ensemble

J’ai poncer au grain 80 , jusqu’à 600 ensuite poncer à l’eau jusqu’à 3000 , et polissage ultra fin, pour finir mettre une couche de wax et un dernier polissage


Nice looking part.

I see your Aluminium and raise you pretty much any plastic…




I was initially worried about hot metal but then I figured out that in the high speed air stream and the cyclone separator those little bits of Aluminium would cool down quite a bit.

I still (mostly) empty the wood chips out before playing Black Sabbath on my Shapeoko though…



Hot chips are good so long as you’re not in the speed / rubbing ranges where the workpiece heats up, if that happens then the Aluminium gets gummy and starts to stick to the flutes and break your cutter.

People with coolant spray on their mills can push Aluminium somewhat harder than those of us using machines with MDF parts which shouldn’t be dunked in coolant.

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Just a simple bracket today, but it was too plain so I added some descriptive text.

And a time lapse just for fun


I made some outdoor furniture for my grandson. Today I vcarved a 72 Cutlas into a tabletop. I filled it with epoxy. I will let it sit overnight and will level it tomorrow.


I think I was just wearing the wrong trousers :dog2:


Making some signs for the high school booster club to sell. Only about 187 left to go.


They look very clean! Would you mind laying out your paint process? I haven’t wrapped my head around doing the base and engraved colors both after cutting. Unless you’re doing that many by hand :open_mouth:


First I paint the square blanks navy blue. Then I have a stencil that I paint the silver, the football ones have a stencil for the brown. Then I let the them dry completely. Cover with oramask then carve out. Then white. It is fairly simple it is mostly a waiting game between coats.

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Persistence pays off!

I have spent the past month trying to perfect deep inlays. Having seen the expert you-tubers doing it I though “if they can do it…”

After MANY, MANY trials and as many errors I am more than happy with my first end grain chopping board.

I set out to achieve a 6mm (1/4") inlay, with no gaps at the side and no “glue” gap under the inlay. There are lots of people who advocate that a glue gap is necessary, my view is that it is not. The glue soaks into the wood and the gap makes the plug give a hollow sound if tapped.

There are just so many variables to contend with but I learnt lots on the way and the finished board required no gap filling at all and the plugs have no gap under them.

This pattern has been cut many times, it was just something that interested me for my practices. Now for more challenging designs!

This is mostly made from Ash and Mahogany.


Fantastic work!

I know there’s a sea of wisdom that goes into it but have any particular videos or tips to share? One of my upcoming projects is an inlay gift for a friend. Plan on doing some serious practicing.

Usually, when I hear about “glue gap” someone is talking about an inlay made with a Vbit rather than those made with an end mill.

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I like your work, just not sure I would want that face starring at me when trying to cook. :smiley:


Really nice work! What bit did you use on Walter Whites face inlay?

As an Albuquerque area resident I can assure you that this item would be a hot seller at local craft shows. Shortly after production concluded on the Breaking Bad series memrobilia sprung up everywhere around here and is still popular to this day.

I would recommend that anyone interested in learning inlay should watch the you tube videos by Stephan Forseilles. There are lots of very well made boards on you tube but I found Stephan’s tutorial to be very helpful, I think he is based in Belgium.

I followed his “You Tube button” tutorial which has an inlay of 9mm, it came out fine but I thought that 9mm was a bit excessive.

The many well made videos, (by the usual culprits!) just give you inspiration, rather than tutorage.



I took some walnut and maple and glued them together, and modeled this up really quick in fusion from an svg