What did you cut on your Shapeoko/ Nomad today?

I hope it’s not a “Yo mama(in law) is so big” joke taken to another level.


…she has her own zip code!

Haha! That would be something.

My MIL lives in the Adirondack region, so Mt. Lorri pales in comparison to the 46 peaks.

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Made another etching with MC Etcher. Loving this stuff…and had to brag on my daughter who was accepted into the Sight and Sound Conservatory starting in September. This will be a special little something for her graduation this weekend.


First test job. Granddaughter helped.


What are you using for the light source?

I use the LED light pucks from Amazon…see link here:

I shopped around to get the best price, but they are all about the same and probably all come from overseas.


What is the mini keyboard for? The one with red, yellow and
green keys.

It is the remote for the lights. It has multiple colors, can fade, or pulse, etc. It’s wireless. It has battery and a cord for plugging in also.

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I believe @WillMade is looking at your 9-Key pad.

I cut this :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :roll_eyes: :worried:

Supposed to look like this


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Willmade was actually asking mattbenimble.

This is a new house number sign I made last weekend. I used Oramask when cutting and painting the numbers.


This is a sign I made for a friend.The board is birch plywood, phenolic coated. I filled the letters with epoxy.
I used Oramask before machining it and then used a syringe to fill the letters and border with epoxy. I peeled the Oramask off and it did a good job of protecting the surface from the inevitable spills.


What happened there?

Cut out the brass and frame, acid etched the design.


some of you saw me struggle through this in other threads, but last coat of poly went on last night. ready for tomorrow!


I made a subsequent sign, similar to the above High Tea one. I used the Oramask again, but in cutting out the letters I mistakenly used an upcut bit on the pocket toolpath and the Oramask lifted on the cut edges. However, I was able to rescue it by doing a very small (0.1mm) offset around the letters and then doing a inside profile pass with a smaller downcut bit. I ended up with just a few places where the mask lifted and these were easy to trim. Whew.


I needed a custom lid for my aquarium. First time cutting acrylic. I had to pause every few minutes to clear meltrd plastic off the bit. I will probably recut this after i figure out whoxh way to adjust my feeds and speeds. I have clear hinges on the way so tape hinge for now.


Plastics the general rule is faster feed rates and lower depth or width of cut, I run at least 1,500mm / min preferably 2,000mm / min or more in plastics and limit my DoC to keep it sounding happy, the trick is to move fast enough that the plastic doesn’t have time to heat up, dust extraction also helps a lot.