I understood that Carbide Create came standard with the purchase of the Shapeoko. NO WHERE have I seen there was a cost associated with updating to current versions. I’ve been using a version (431) lately and able to send file to Carbide Motion as normal. I updated to the 433 version and now get a message I can’t save gCode when I send to Carbide Motion. So it’s screwing my ability to meet a deadline. I tried reinstalling 431 and get the same message. What is going on here and am I supposed to be able to send the current toolpath to Carbide Motion.
To activate the features see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dMVzLTbego and https://launch.carbide3d.com — creating an account will allow a free 14 day (with one grace day, total ~=15) trial. “This trial is fully functional for 14 days so you can generate G-Code and try a full project.”