Does Vetric V-Carve work with the Shapeoko Pro XXL?
What software is easiest to use for creating shadows for things such as 3d flags? I’ve seen people use Photoshop, Gimp, etc. I’ve had my cnc for about 7 months and I’m still only cutting very basic stuff. (simple shapes and pockets). I know there are a lot of videos out there but i’m just a person who has trouble understanding stuff like this unless its being explained to me while someone is doing it in front of me. There is so much I would like to learn to do such as the 3d carving, V Carving, tiling, etc.
Got an example of what you mean by this?
I’ve seen videos where photoshop is used to airbrush shadows for things like flag ripples and then brought into CC. Then a flag is layered over it and the 3d carving creates the ripples. I really wish C3D offered in person classes. Lol
Welcome to the world of CNC. Recommending software is like recommending cars. It is a personal preference as well as need thing. Given that you are so new to CNC, may I recommend a continuing education class at your community collage. Most have classes for CAD and CAM. Start with CAD. It all begins there and you will learn to design for manufacturing. In other words, you will design what you can produce on your machine as well as other equipment in your shop. CAM classes will give you a better understanding of how much power you will need for your projects as well as how to properly process your project, tools used and why, feeds, speeds and a whole host of other stuff. It’s not a machinist course but will give you what you need.
Software can be a money pit so you only want to buy it once. Prices have such a huge range and for good reason but you will learn that in class as well. Research will only get you so far. You have to know what questions to ask yourself on needs and power. The only way I can think of to get you a bit dangerous is a few classes.
Hope that helps.
Thanks. I have considered it. The funny part is, at work I run a cnc from time to time. I just load the programs in and hit star. I change tools, and do minimal stuff within the programs themselves but I have actually gotten pretty good with the feeds and speeds so that was a big help when I got my machine at home. I have had a lot of success getting clean cuts and getting nice smooth bottoms in pockets. Just still have a lot to learn.
If you have a pixel image depth map, then it’s quite easily imported into Carbide Create Pro.
While we can’t offer in-person classes, we do have video conference sessions:
and we can work up custom tutorials at need — just let us know what you’re having difficulty getting done.
Glad to hear you got bit by the CNC bug. The cool thing is, you will never stop learning.
I definitely understand how crazy it would be trying to offer in person classes. Thats one of those wishful thinking things. Are there any videos on tiling by chance? I would be interested in at least seeing what is involved with being able to cut bigger projects. Signs and such.
For something like ripples, you could use any graphics program to generate a grayscale gradient where the different shades correspond to different cut depths. Some quick trial and error would get you some good ripples.
This becomes non-trivial when you want to sculpt or generate relief images of faces or detailed photos.
I have been following Chris Powell since I started. I have made some of his projects and I really learned a lot.
Here is a great tutorial for CC wavey flag project.
Thanks. I will watch these videos and reed the posts.
IF NO ONE ELSE HAS MENTIONED THIS: IF you’re making your designs in Vectric V-Carve - when you finish those and are ready to save the code - FIRST make sure to select the proper “Post Processor” for you system. You should find it under the Menus on the right side of your screen.
ALSO - before you save your code I think V-Carve has on the left Menus an Icon about half way down on the right that will help you check your design for flaws that you must correct BEFORE you save your code.
Hope this helps a bit.
Select the whole project and then select this Icon.
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