I do not own a machine yet but will be purchasing a Shapeoko xxl. My business partner works with realtors who will want their logos on the cutting boards we make. How hard is it to import a logo and then have that engraved on a board? Is there a youtube video that I can watch?
You will need to either trace the pixel images in Adobe Illustrator, or export the file so that special effects don’t make pixel images.
View the file in outline view in AI to see what will be exported to Carbide Create.
Note that if you are using Adobe Illustrator to make files, you can go straight to SVG — just use the export option, set the resolution to 96 ppi, and be sure to clear the “Responsive” checkbox.
Since upgrading my Inkscape every image I convert in it gives me the same error message when I import it into Carbide Create but the images still work. Since the SVG image still works I have not nvestigated why I am getting the error.
In Inkscape when you “Save As” there are a lot of options. The Inscape SVG has worked but most recommend you save as a “Plain SVG”.
If the image you want shows in CC then ignore the error message.
The Trace Image only works well if you start with a good image. So make sure your image is not grainy or jagged edges to get the best result. Bit Map images get grainy and jagged if you change their native size so even if the image is small use the native size for best results. After you trace the image you scale the image to the size you need.
Another alternative is to use the open source free Inkscape. Open your bit map image, highlight it, and select from Path menu Trace Bitmap. You can change the thresholds and hit Update to see the changes you made in settings. When satisfied with the image use the Save As and save the image as a Plain SVG.