Tool library file name

I have one computer which I use CC to make my designs and finalize my projects. I have a second computer which I have hooked up to my S03 XXL. i find it a pain to have to keep track of both computer files tool libraries. Is it possible to use one computer as the master? I can then copy that tool library file and replace the one in the other computer. This would endures that both files are exact.

If CC allows this can someone please share the file name and location with me please.


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This is a new feature in CC400.

CC413 is now the stable release:

In CC406 Carbide Create adds the option of 3D features in a new “Pro” license. Currently available as an open beta for testing at: (see: for the initial announcement)

​To activate the features:

Windows: Help->About->Enable Pro. Then restart.

Mac OS X: Carbide Create | About Carbide Create | Enable Pro then restart.

See:Ă‚ Carbide Create Pro - First Look for some more details.

A video tutorial at: Starting with 2.5 d carving

Pricing discussion for the “Pro” license (the base functionality will remain free): Carbide Create Pro- What do you want to see?


Basically you go to the “About” menu and click on the button “Open Data Directory” and access a file w/ a name along the lines of:

"C:\Users\<SHORTUSERNAME>\AppData\Local\Carbide 3D\Carbide Create\settings.ini"

The tool library is stored as a JSON-style string value named “tools” in the settings.ini file. You could either copy that value, or just copy the whole file. (There’s a “lastFolder” value and a “windowGeometry” value in the file that might be different between computers. I’d have to check what that may do if you put inappropriate data in either.)

On Windows, the settings.ini file is saved as:

%LocalAppData%\Carbide 3D\Carbide Create\settings.ini

(Windows expands that to something like “C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Carbide 3D\Carbide Create\settings.ini”)


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