What did you cut on your Shapeoko/ Nomad today?

That is totally awesome!

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Growth charts for my niece and nephew


Last project for 2023. I’m always complaining at dinner that I don’t have a bread plate. Well. We can fix that.

Thought about having a flying biscuit on it but then thought maybe one day that wouldn’t be funny. :laughing:


Super nice! For my second project ever I think I’ll something similar. Maybe a set of coasters since my wife is always complaining I’m leaving water rings all over the furniture.


I like @lordofcandy coasters because the texture will help wick away moisture. If you like Star wars I made the and epoxy filled for my fanboy family.


Do a quick calculation on the volume of “drip” that a coaster will hold. It doesn’t seem, to me, that a flat surface coaster is much better than a paper napkin. (Of course, around here we tend to get a lot of condensation on our drinks.)

I hear you, Mr. CrookedWoodTex. I think it’s just the thought that counts. We have some coasters of “absorbent stone” and I still have to mop them off with a paper towel.

Have a great new year.

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Wow! Those are really nice.

What is this star wars you speak of🤔

A simple phone stand:



I made these entwined bowls in Elm as a Christmas gift

I thought that it might have looked better without the outside cut of the bowls, so I had to make another, this time in Tigerwood.

And I still can’t decide which design looks the best!


They both look great–Traditional or modern.

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New project finally posted. This is a framed edge lit acrylic piece with a snazzy LED controller. It’s a bit different because I used thick acrylic and vCarving instead of something like the MC Etcher.

The neat thing with the vCarving is the depth and color shifts that occur when you look closely:

Because of the height of the lines, it seems to catch different parts of the light.

Here it is in action:

There is a link to the full build video in the description.


Looks like we both got the same model from the same place. Mine’s out of maple and I left more on the rim for edge strength.


The fact that they are intertwined seems a bit lost on the one with the full board.

What if you cut a pocket down about half an inch around the bowls so that their rims are proud of the surface?


I like both designs but as @CullenS said above I think the bowl one (without board) is more attractive. It gives you the chip and dip options as well as just looking more visually appealing to me. The board one is nice and maybe it is the busy wood but it just does not appeal to me as much.


I like the first one. Very elegant, simple, beautiful.

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That might work, it would then have a similar edge profile to the one that Tex cut (from the same design!).
I think that Guy has hit the nail on the head, the wood I used in the second one is just too busy, it detracts from the design, which is the opposite to what I would have expected. Live and learn.

Thanks for the comments.

Nice work @Jonathan_Blank Carbide 3D on Instagram


I got my S5 Pro and took my time putting it together. I had to fix a few things on the machine to make it work right and better. Then I did a simple sign. Just 3 words in a fancy script. Then figured I would test the idea of landscape carving on the machine. Came up with this to carve.

I didn’t finish the project as you can see. It’s just carved and plain wood. It was carved in an old oak board, but wasn’t planning on sanding and finishing the project. I moved on to try to get better at the 3D carving and can’t seem to get that down in CC Pro. So, some day I hope to be able to afford a program that is more catered to 3D design. One can dream at this point.