Moving modeled components

This afternoon, I ran into an interesting and frustrating problem that, although I’m sure others have addressed it in other ways, I haven’t had to deal with it before - and can’t find forum entries for it.

I started to cut a model that started with an imported STL. The object’s center was not on stock center. The first time I tried to cut it, it cut beyond the stock, because the stock was big enough for the size of the object, but was not the same size as the stock settings in Carbide. Since the object was off center, it cut off the edge of the stock on that side.

SO I tried to edit the file to remediate the problem:

  • I tried to center the object on the stock of the design so that I could just use a center-zero - but when the object moved, the modeling did not move with it.
  • I tried to shrink the stock settings to reflect that actual size of my stock…however, since the objects don’t recenter automatically, they ended up off the design - when I tried to move them back - again - the modeling did not move with the object.

As far as I can tell, there’s no way to move a modelled component. Is that correct, or am I missing something? It seems the only way to do it in CC was to re-import the STL and redo all the modeling…which wasn’t something I was ready to sign up for.

I ended up measuring the failed cut and figuring out the offset to center so that I could rerun the job, but shifted the zero’d center by the offset in the opposite direction - in order to hold the cuts onto my actual stock. It worked - but there HAS to be a better way.

I know I read that changes to the Modeling interface - including editing - was “coming”…but that was actually a while ago. Are those changes coming soon? Will they address this problem (assuming I didn’t miss something)?


  • Gary

The only way to move a 3D component is to export it as a pixel image, draw new geometry, then re-import the pixel image with appropriate settings.

But then you need to redo the additional toolpaths and regenerate everything, right?

Also…the STL had slopes and bevels and stuff in it…how would I regenerate all of that from a pixel image?

The pixel image will be a depth map of the 3D model.

Toolpaths would still be in the file and could then be applied to the new 3D model.

OK…I’ll try that.

Still…the questions are still out there: Are the changes that were planned for the Pro Modeling interface still on the docket? Sometime soon? Will they handle these types of problems?

I have run into this issue a few times - was definitely dissappointed that 3D models are not handled like vector components. Once you have it placed & dimensions all set, it’s basically stuck in virtual stone & cannot be edited/moved/copied/pasted/etc. Toolpaths seem to copy along with the vector outline created around 3D models, but there’s no information about the model/depth map copied with it so all you get is a nicely shaped hole in the stock material. The only alterable parameter is the base thickness.
Apparently this all stems from how CC creates a pixel depth map of a 3D model once it is set vs dealing with a full 3D vector environment. I can appreciate in how it keeps it simple & overhead calculations low. Discussions before have suggested that they are planning/working on improvements for the 3D modeler - but it won’t be done before it’s done.


I just started with 3d STL imports. it works but a bit of a learning curve with some work arounds. I cant tell you how many times I had to delete and reimport just so I could move or change it :frowning: I am sure it will get there :slight_smile:

I am also having issues with the details on the edges. it appears the bit will only go 1/2 a bit size out of the frame, Since I have 5% stepover, it does not complete the the passes in the last half bit on the edges. It needs to go 95% out of frame to do 5% stepover

If anyone can give me some insight of this or is that the way it is ???

By “frame” do you mean the vector around the part? If so can you just offset that and use the outer vector?

1 Like

For cutting around a part see:


Perfect I moved it ones and it looked like a mess so I didn’t do it again but yes that makes sense now :slight_smile:

Tried it
Cool I learned something today. Thanks, That was simple :slight_smile:

Another question for 3D toolpaths.
Does the 3D paths respect the tabs ?
I can add little 3D tabs as a work around

No, tabs are for Contour toolpaths only.

Yes, modeling them in 3D is the work-around.

Thanks Will

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