Shapeoko e-book [V4 released]

Yes, the length is missing since you don’t want to go too fast.

I tried to assume a worst case scenario (“1D” vertical plunge), since this is all CC offers as of today.
But for sure, when using a CAM tool that supports various types of ramping (linear or helical) there is no reasons that I see to not use them, our endmills will thank us and live a long happy life.
2D I guess you meant linear ramping, and 3D I guess you mean helical, I did not quite grasp what 4D would be here ? varying the plungrate during the helical plunge ?

15 posts were merged into an existing topic: Speeds, Feeds, Power, and Force (SFPF) Calculator History

Hi everyone,

I finally published a v2 of the e-book, following the comments I received on v1.

  • very thorough proofreading by @WillAdams, thank you again!
  • lots of small improvements based on @luc.onthego’s insights, thanks!
  • I integrated @gmack’s great feeds and speeds worksheet (it may not be the very latest version though), including the nice wood hardness list that @Hooby collected.

The v2 is now online at the same URL as before :

A zip file with the PDF version and support files (gmack’s worksheet and my simplified version) is available here

Another zip file with the ePUB version and support files is available here

As I continue my journey in CNC territory, I will be updating the chapters here and there, comments/suggestions are still very much welcome to make the future v3 better.


Thank you for all your work @julien, I think that every Shapeoko owner should download a copy and keep it in close proximity as a reference.


My latest worksheet is available here. I anticipate making another update to reflect the latest thinking on cutting speed (SFM) thresholds for HSM after I determine what they are. I’ll also change the link recommending climb milling from Sandvic’s to Dapra’s. Thanks for your efforts on the e-book and explaining how to use the worksheet!


Nice work! This is gonna be a good read.


@julien, as a newbie i really appreciate all of the hard work you have put into the workbook. It is well written and easy to follow.



Do you think that it would be helpful to add links to informative videos to help clarify some of the topics that you cover in the e-book? IMO, this would be a good choice for “Climb vs. Conventional” milling and maybe this one for “Feeds and Speeds” (with appropriate caveats)? Preferably the videos would be downloaded, provided with, and linked to the e-book.


I considered doing that, and other people have suggested adding links to interesting resources, but I have refrained from doing that for the following reasons:

  • I would like the e-book to be mostly a standalone thing, without the distraction of clicking on many links (if people are like me, 15 min later they are 5 levels removed from the original page, and got lost in some other rabbit hole)
  • the offline PDF/paper version would be frustrating to read.
  • the Wiki is already providing tens of interesting links on pretty much every single topic.
  • maintenance would become an issue, and there is nothing I dislike more than a broken link
  • and basically I trust people to google any topic they are interested in to dig deeper, once they have realized where the topic fits in the big picture.

So basically, I’d rather not.


I totally understand! I believe that you’ve already done a great service for the community by going thru hundreds - thousands of posts here and elsewhere to extract the most relevant and useful information and present it in an understandable manner. IMO augmenting your e-book with downloaded/linked videos produced by subject area experts might also be beneficial. As you know there’s a lot of noise and misinformation “out there”!

I’ve been using “Free Instant Downloader for YouTube” from the Microsoft Store to download and save videos for future reference and get around potential broken link issues. :slightly_smiling_face:


Probably not very relevant given the large number of pics and sketches in there ? and wayyy out of my abilities anyway. There are some excellent CNC podcasts available, can’t remember the name, the one co-hosted by Winston for example


See if you can get Morgan Freeman.


Yup - at least for me I usually need to “see things” to really understand them. It’s nice when I don’t have to do the visualization work myself. Thank you!

  • @WillAdams
    Do you think it would be worthwhile and possible to have living C3D threads dedicated to archiving and evaluating/ranking videos and podcasts?

Any sort of content related to CNC with Carbide 3D machines is welcome here.

While not ranking, I’ve been trying to keep up with #MaterialMonday at:

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Evening @Julien

Seen one typo under troubleshooting & maintenance - “Crashing the mashine”

Every Good Read needs to know a little bit about the Author - I would love to see a little section about you, why you did this, and your journey from minnow to King frog of CNC :slight_smile:

I know you don’t want to direct link in the V2 but i think an additional reading sheet / appendix would be worth while (i too am a 20 deep serial clicker Start at F&S end up at nema stepper motor micron accuracy lol) i would like to further back this up by my recent experience as a use case to why.

I was reading the F&S section and Tool paths and had my first epiphany (thanks for that DOC vs WOC) and there was a stand out quote you said

“If you go for narrow and deep (and you should!), given the small WOC values you will definitely need to take chip thinning into account.”

i found myself thinking why should i i didnt really get it etc but like most things i just go with it by applied knowledge differences. i.e. yours better than mine.

However as i was looking for the V2 link to the document i cam across the link to " The Definitive Talk on Adaptive Clearing in HSM" this 40 min Video + your document has warped me to new thinking and already reduced some of my tried and tested jobs by 15+mins. it has also solidified my experience and knowledge with the “i knew this but it had not clicked yet” if that makes sense

So as you can see from my real example if it was not for that chance link find, i would not be better off. So i would urge you to create as suggested an appendix / essential reading / viewing page to by digested at different pace to the main document.

So that is just my two pence worth

Again an excellent document Julien, if i can help with anything please let me know and i will do my best to assist you



Thanks for spotting the typo (and in a title…if that is not “hiding in plain sight”…)

What your example is really telling me, is that there is are parts of the e-book where I drop a bit of information (or even opinion) without explaining enough.

But you guys will really make me reconsider providing a set of links / watchlist appendix…I guess we could do a quick poll here on the forum, figure out the top10 most helpful resources, and include that along with a brief description of why they matter.


10 posts were merged into an existing topic: Speeds, Feeds, Power, and Force (SFPF) Calculator History

This excellent e-book recommends a narrow (RDOC) and deep (ADOC) and my recent attempts have found this to be a very good strategy; however, when starting a pocket the first cut is always a slot with maximum RDOC and when coupled with deep ADOC this leads to a very large cut at the start of each pocket.

I’m using Carbide Create so, ramps and adaptive cutting are not options. What should I be doing?


We touched on this briefly in this post and the few following posts.

If you want/need to stay with CC, the (only?) option we were discussing that would work for pockets to “emulate” the benefits of helical ramping for cutting at large DOC, would be to:

  • define a much smaller profile (1) in the center of the large pocket you want to cut
  • create a conservative/small depth per pass toolpath for that inner pocket, to cut that area down to full depth in small increments (i.e., the “usual” way). That would emulate the helical ramping to full depth.
  • then create the narrow & deep toolpath you want for the main pocket (2), with depth per pass set to full depth (or whatever large DOC you want to use) and a small stepover, AND make sure CC generates a pocketing toolpath that will start in the center, where the first toolpath removed material already

That way, when running that second toolpath, the endmill will plunge to full depth (into air), then it will take a few turns in the air, avoiding any slotting/full tool engagement because by the time it starts actually cutting material, it will only be using the small stepover (low RDOC at full DOC) to cut into the walls.

Now, since CC adapts the toolpath to the shape of the pocket profile, for a rectangular pocket you would need to adapt the shape of that inner pocket accordindly, in fact it would need to match the trajectory followed by the endmill during those first few moves of the endmill in the second/main toolpath.

Now that I think of it, the “offset profile” feature would be perfect to do this for any arbitrary rectangular pocket. I’m not sure I’m being clear here, and this is all theory as I have not tested this (I mostly use VCarve and Fusion by now). If you are willing to test this approach and if it works for you, I could then include this tip in the ebook. Who knows, we might even convince the CC developer(s) to automate that behavior (though that would be a very convoluted workaround to just implementing…ramping :slight_smile: )