The machines have a lot in common with the starter on a car — but are expected to work to far greater precision — extreme temperatures will affect calibration if nothing else.
The belts have an operating temperature range of −30 to +180° F.
The ATMEGA328 chip on the controller is rated from −55 to +125° C.
The lifespan of electrolytic capacitors will be reduced by higher temperatures.
Thermal expansion/contraction will affect calibration — the ideal is to always have the machine at the same temperature — one which won’t be altered by the machine’s operation. In industry, machines are first warmed up before any actual cutting.
Beyond that, a notable concern is cold and warming and condensation on the electronics.
A number of folks keep their machines in garages — the big concern is belt anchoring / tensioning — that said, the mechanical fastening of the M5 bolts and PEM nuts shouldn’t be affected much by temperature unlike some of the previous techniques (DAMHIKT) — just using the standard operating checklist should suffice: Machine Operating Checklist - Carbide 3D