@WillAdams Do you guys have a roadmap and expected release date yet, or a beta date?
If you’re planning a beta test, I’d be happy to test it
I’m far from a pro when it comes to CNC so I’d find things a lot of people won’t ;0)
@WillAdams Do you guys have a roadmap and expected release date yet, or a beta date?
If you’re planning a beta test, I’d be happy to test it
I’m far from a pro when it comes to CNC so I’d find things a lot of people won’t ;0)
For Carbide Create Pro? Address that to @rob and @edwardrford and @Jorge
CC413 is now the stable release: Carbide Create 413 Released
In CC406 Carbide Create adds the option of 3D features in a new “Pro” license. Currently available as an open beta for testing at: https://carbide3d.com/carbidecreate/unstable/ (see: Carbide Create 400 for the initial announcement)
To activate the features:
Windows: Help->About->Enable Pro. Then restart.
Mac OS X: Carbide Create | About Carbide Create | Enable Pro then restart.
See: Carbide Create Pro - First Look for some more details.
A video tutorial at: Starting with 2.5 d carving
Pricing discussion for the “Pro” license (the base functionality will remain free): Carbide Create Pro- What do you want to see? - #73 by robgrz
When in Pro Trial mode no GCode can be saved, even tool-paths that don’t utilize the Pro features.
While it’s easy enough to disable the Pro Trial, it might make sense to allow exporting of non-Pro GCode even while trial mode is enabled as it might be a bit tedious to switch back and forth between 2/2.5D projects and testing the 3D/Pro features.
On a similar note, by the looks of it I’m assuming the trial isn’t intended to be time-bound (i.e. good for 30 days then you’re locked out until purchase), is that correct? I like the concept of unlimited trial as it would allow users to do more long term evaluations on usability and be able to learn how to use the product before making a purchase decision.
Please, please get CC to remember where the last dxf/svg was imported from. It is getting very old having to always navigate away from C:\Program Files (x86)\CarbideCreate EVERY TIME when all the files I need are in a directory on my D: drive like d:\CNC\Projects\Current Project\svgs\ or wherever!
Even better - allow me to add to the “Design Elements” import so I can have my own regularly used elements like my logo or whatever.
Every time I try to import this simple DXF into CC 420 the CC application just closes with no error message. I have over come this for now by importing the dxf into Inkscape and saving as a svg which imports - so this looks like a bug.
InvoluteGear_1.dxf (125.7 KB)
What did you use to create the dxf? Using inkscape to open it and resave as inkscape’s dxf export works just fine in CC.
InvoluteGear_2.dxf (98.2 KB)
I am not surprised that re-saving the dxf from Inkscape worked too. Inkscape often does a better job than other apps that make dxf files in my experience.
The file was generated from here
Dxf files can be a somewhat “loose” standard/format I am afraid. I am drawing Carbide3D’s attention to it so they might like to make their dxf import routine a bit more robust for cases like this… I am sure there are more out there…
At the very least CC should throw a useful error message and not just crash/vanish without warning. All work you may have done before the import will have been lost… that’s not good.
I’m using the current unstable build.
It’s okay, but to make it something you’d want to buy (okay, something I’d want to buy), I’d like to see some improvement in the workflow, and also the UI - particularly with buttons and menu options.
I’m used to writing CR’s/Jiras so sorry if this feedback feels somewhat terse :
On a side note, for Carbide Motion, where the flow of operations is fixed but the UI keeps all menu items enabled at all times, you have to “click and not see a change” to know it’s disabled. It should disable items that can’t be clicked. Also, the tutorials also use a version of Carbine Motion that looks nothing at all like the version you download.
So, Carbide Create has a bug. Maybe you can fix this in Pro.
When adding tabs to a part, the plunge at the end of the tab is done at the feedrate, not the plungerate.
This is an easy fix. I just did it the hard way by modifying the G-Code for an aluminum sheet that I am profiling. Worked perfectly.
A warning that the retract height is set to zero when exporting your gcode. This just happened to me and I didn’t catch it until the drag bit put a nice unwanted diagonal scratch across half a 12"x12" acrylic sheet. I have caught this happening in previous versions of CC prior to cutting. I have not ever set the retract height to zero. I am not quite sure what steps causes CC to set the height to zero once in a blue moon, I just know it happens.
Is there a way to add MacBook Pro Touch Bar keys?
Would love to be able to use it for “Command X” and undo and anything else others can think of.
Forgive me if this has already been addressed, but it would be awesome to have a better way to program in custom bits, specifically for v-carving. After a ton of varying v-carving attempts it seems the ONLY bits that you can avoid constant trouble with(after ensuring both the stock and waste board are dead flat) are true “Zero-Point” bits. The ability to adjust flat tip diameter on a v-bit or have CC actually respond to “angle per side” under the flat end mill creation tab would do the job.
It seems most (all?) cam software assume a true point. Here’s a post with a link to a simple spreadsheet calculator to set the Z offset. The part there’s no cheap/easy way around is knowing the diameter of the flat (unless it’s published).
Good points, haha. Thanks for the link!
Another good way to set the Z-offset is to use a set of feeler gauges instead of the paper method to set your Z. You can have a specific gauge for each V-bit. I will set my Z with a .003 gauge like the paper method, then bring up my Z by .01mm at a time until I can barely slide the gauge I want under the V-bit.
Check out 421 at https://carbide3d.com/carbidecreate/unstable/
some random feature requests, likely some are simple
more complicated would be
Will you update the keyboard shortcut file or publish a comprehensive list soon?
Once we get it more fleshed out, yes. Right now it’s:
CTRL-C Duplicate
CTRL-X Cut/Delete
Cursor: nudge
In Node Edit:
S = Toggle smooth/sharp
D = Delete selected nodes
Using CC 421 - Crtl-C no longer copies highlighted vector - it just de-selects. So no way of making a copy till this is fixed. Or is it just me?