Starting my spindle journey

Wanted to start a thread as I swap out by C3D router for a Spindle. I spent a lot of time thinking about wattage (800W, 1.5kW, or 2.2kW) and settled on 800W based on lots of posts in this community and advice I saw from @Julien in particular. I then thought long and hard about air vs water cooled and changed my mind about 99 times before I finally hit the bullet and purchased an air cooled spindle. I have no doubt a water cooled spindle would be quieter but I didn’t really want to deal with the water cooling stuff. I figure I can always change my mind in the future and consider that an additional upgrade.

I ended up purchasing this spindle:

CNC Spindle CNC Motor 110V 0.8KW 800W Air Cooled Spindle Motor 65mm 4 Bearings 24000RPM 400HZ for CNC Router Machine

And this VFD:

Huanyang VFD,Single to 3 Phase,Variable Frequency Drive,1.5kW 2HP 110V/120V Input AC 13A for Motor Speed Control ,HY Series

I’m hoping that because the VFD is a Huanyang I can follow @Julien post on his setting parameters. If not I’ll reach out with lots of questions :slightly_smiling_face:

Otherwise I plan to follow some of this post: Water Cooled Spindle Upgrade and Spindle Control

It had a TON of amazing information (thanks @mharper90 !) In particular I do want to add a manual disconnect when I change tools because I like having hands with functioning fingers :wink:

Will post more details as I purchase and assemble things. With it being air cooled I imagine it should be a relatively straightforward setup.

I use fusion 360 and recently found a plug-in that supports tool changes in a single file and rapids post processing, so hoping I can put that to great use here!


Do let us know how it goes! That Huanyang VFD model has been used by many users here by now, so chances setup will be straightforward.

I’m still using @fenrus tool to post-process my files to bring rapids back into them, what F360 plug-in is it that you are using ?

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Made a dedicated post here to discuss! Fusion360 Multiple Operations in Single File & Restore Rapids

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Got the spindle running today on my Shapeoko controlled via G Code :smiley:

Ran into many hurdles along the way but it has been fun. I want to document more of what I did, but just wanted to paste some other threads I found extremely useful in my journey so far (partially for me!):


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