Wanted to start a thread as I swap out by C3D router for a Spindle. I spent a lot of time thinking about wattage (800W, 1.5kW, or 2.2kW) and settled on 800W based on lots of posts in this community and advice I saw from @Julien in particular. I then thought long and hard about air vs water cooled and changed my mind about 99 times before I finally hit the bullet and purchased an air cooled spindle. I have no doubt a water cooled spindle would be quieter but I didn’t really want to deal with the water cooling stuff. I figure I can always change my mind in the future and consider that an additional upgrade.
I ended up purchasing this spindle:
CNC Spindle CNC Motor 110V 0.8KW 800W Air Cooled Spindle Motor 65mm 4 Bearings 24000RPM 400HZ for CNC Router Machine https://a.co/59Q22JA
And this VFD:
Huanyang VFD,Single to 3 Phase,Variable Frequency Drive,1.5kW 2HP 110V/120V Input AC 13A for Motor Speed Control ,HY Series https://a.co/7ajNnXX
I’m hoping that because the VFD is a Huanyang I can follow @Julien post on his setting parameters. If not I’ll reach out with lots of questions
It had a TON of amazing information (thanks @mharper90 !) In particular I do want to add a manual disconnect when I change tools because I like having hands with functioning fingers
Will post more details as I purchase and assemble things. With it being air cooled I imagine it should be a relatively straightforward setup.
I use fusion 360 and recently found a plug-in that supports tool changes in a single file and rapids post processing, so hoping I can put that to great use here!
Got the spindle running today on my Shapeoko controlled via G Code
Ran into many hurdles along the way but it has been fun. I want to document more of what I did, but just wanted to paste some other threads I found extremely useful in my journey so far (partially for me!):