Select the circle and the outer rounded offset geometry and assign a Pocket toolpath which starts at the bottom of the previous pocket and cuts down as deeply as desired:
While that works to test the machine’s basic 3-axis functionality, with the BitSetter now being an integral part of the Nomad and the just announced Shapeoko Pro, a file which tests tool changes would seem to be in order — this may be easily prepared using a few Boolean operations and some suitable planning.
Then something has to give. Stock size is 4" x 4".
I’ve set my stock size to 4.2" x 4.2" x 0.75", because 3/4" MDF is in stock always. Then each depth change is set to 0.2" which leaves a final step for the square. Then I’m not cutting down to the wasteboard.
I just swapped my original steel core belts last night for whatever is in the maintenance kits as of Dec 2020 and I’m having all sorts of issues. Is there a good tutorial out there to cover what to do when the results of your Diamong-circle-square test produces a given result?
It’s a matter of verification usually — I start by cutting a calibration file and adjusting for belt stretch:
then cut a diamond-circle square file — if it’s not within a reasonable tolerance check the axes where it isn’t — could you post a photo of your cut marked up w/ the dimensions?
Naturally if your new belts aren’t good let us know and we’ll send you a replacement set.
Hi All. I’ve made a parameterized Fusion360 version of the diamond-circle-square file where you can set the material thickness and square sizes heres:
I’ve also taken the time to make tool-paths that will minimize the possibility of tool deflection. Please Note you will have to identify your own feeds and speed appropriate for the material you are cutting. The file is currently set up for 19.4mm PVC.