Hi Folks. I’ve read all about tiling and I think I have a good understanding of how it’s explained to work on the Shapeoko Wiki. However - Im starting to realize that this method may only work for pocket cuts. I’m really trying to find a way to get this to work for outside cuts as I want to cut a large letter out of bigger piece of stock. my problem is that I can’t find a way to cut off the letter and not have the tool path follow the cut off.
See in the image above that would be my first tile and the top of the tile wants to cut the letter off. So for pocketing this would be fine - but for cutting out not so much. Anyone have any ideas? Or anyone know of another way to do this with tiling? I had hoped that perhaps the toolpath wouldnt go outside of the build area but it appears like it would.
Thanks for the reply! I’ve read that over and over again - and while I think I get it - Im not clear on how you prevent the toolpath from cutting off the letter like I show in my image above. I thought I could just draw a square at that line, and then use one of the boolean operations to cut it off, but I can’t get a clean square. If you’re saying it’s possible I’ll keep at it - I was worried that only pockets would work because of this
Then I would adjust the part I want to cut out so that it’s better placed and offset it by a bit more than the diameter of the endmill which I wish to use and duplicate the letter and do a Boolean operation to convert it into geometry (Duplicate the geometry twice including the squares (you’ll need two copies)):
Thank you so much for taking the time to type that up for me. I see now the piece I was getting stuck on - I’ll try that tonight and report back. Thanks again!